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5 Questions with Sebastian Tigges

5 Questions with Sebastian Tigges

1. On your social channels, you usually address much deeper topics than clothing. However, to the educated eye, it's evident that you engage with sartorial attire. How did that come about?

Clothing has been hugely important to me since my early youth. I am not only interested in the look itself, but also in what lies behind the clothing: cultural and social contexts and the way the clothing is produced. But at the end of the day, I simply have a lot of fun dressing the way I do. I not only find classic clothes incredibly aesthetic, but I also like that they are in many ways beyond what I understand by "fashion" and the current trends. I have been integrating classic pieces into my style - at least in nuances - since I was 14. I've seen myself wearing a Barbour with baggy pants :) When I was a teenager, I was already looking forward to being 40 years old because I thought then that it would finally be appropriate to only walk around in suits

2. How would you describe your personal style? 

I mainly wear classic clothes with a little (sometimes bigger) twist. I like to give a little wink to a style that is often perceived as formal from the outside. If I had to choose one style, I would always say that the Ivy League aesthetic appeals to me the most.


3. What does your process look like when buying new clothes? Do you happen to buy pre-owned ones as well? 

I read a lot about classic clothing, regularly visit the relevant blogs and Instagram in particular is a great source of inspiration for me. In the end clothing is my hobby. I'm trying to gradually and thoughtfully fill my closet with clothes that I think I'll still like in 10 or 20 years' time. As the quality of the clothes is very important to me, but it doesn't matter to me at all that they are new, I almost always look on ebay and co. at the same time to see if I can find something there. The satisfaction I feel when I find a vintage item of clothing I'm looking for outweighs the joy of buying new. And if it doesn't fit 100%, I have small alterations made (and am even learning to do this myself)

4. Do you have such things as personal favourite brands? Or do you rather tend to buy solely based on quality/design?

Basically, I no longer care about branded clothing at all. That was different when I was a teenager. But today I avoid labels on my clothes as much as possible. However, there are a few brands that are very close to my aesthetic due to their "house style" and are also sources of inspiration for me. For me, Drake's in the first place was a complete revelation in terms of understanding style and the way Michael Hill has made the brand what it is today impresses me. Michael is also one of my absolute style idols. Drake's lookbooks have influenced me more than almost anything else in the last few years in terms of my clothing style. Another brand I buy regularly is Anglo Italian (Jake Grantham, the founder, is also a role model when it comes to individual style). I  buy knitwear almost exclusively from Rubato. And for shoes, it's almost exclusively Alden and Crockett&Jones.

5. You live in Berlin. Do you have 2-3 places (restaurants, museums, galleries etc.) one must see when visiting berlin? 

Oh, there are so many beautiful things I could recommend. The best Wiener Schnitzel you will eat at Alt Wien in Prenzlauer Berg. I also really enjoy going to the theater, especially Berliner Ensemble (Mitte) and Schaubühne (on Ku’damm in Wilmersdorf). Before or after Berliner Ensemble eat a Steak at Grill Royal. After Schaubühne a Curry Wurst at Bier's Kudamm 195 (also pay Maximilian Mogg a visit, one of few places to go in Berlin when it comes to tailord clothes). Or go watch a movie at one of the Yorck Cinemas (they screen all the movies OV/with subtitles)